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Have you ever seen anyone climbing with a taped finger? What about the climber who is always massaging that achy elbow? Maybe this describes you…. As you’ve probably gathered, overuse injuries in climbing are relatively common. Ever wondered how you could prevent them? Want to learn how antagonist training can not only help prevent climbing related injuries, but actually make you a stronger climber? If you answered YES to any of these questions, you should consider checking out the video above on the topic of Injury Prevention for Climbing.
Page Pomo, Brief Bio:
For the last 20 years, rock climbing has been one of Page’s greatest passions. From a young age, she began competition climbing and represented the U.S. National Team for speed and sport climbing. She later went on to coach and personal train young climbing athletes in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Although she traded her competition climbing days for a Medical School degree and Pediatric Residency, she still finds time to rock climb with her husband Anthony, and share her passion for climbing with others.
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